Monday, June 27, 2011

Balloon Festival

Our attempt at the Balloon Festival -- what a day -- We started out with a drive across the bay --in our attempt to see the majestic balloons fill the air at sunset -- Little did we know that winds had to be just right before even the first balloon took flight -- Hummmmmm now you would think that on a HOT day in June -- the wind would not be a problem -- boy was I wrong for what I felt(I felt nothing) and what the man with the microphone (tiny little person that I never did see) was perfect for the balloon to take flight -- he did grew late and still no balloon in flight.. While we waited and waited and waited and waited for these beautiful balloons to fill the evening/night air so we could go awwwwwwwwwww --- we took stock of all the little booths with tiny trinkets and bobbles oh my................... and some of the displays ..............tee hee ...........Now please remember we are in the SOUTH (the deep south)(ya know alligators and lighten bugs) smile we don't keep the gators as pets well not all of us anyway............. Meanwhile back to the balloons --- they were still on the ground waiting for that perfect wind change (I still felt nothing and my makeup was sliding off my face into my paper towel....) it was about to get ugly..... lol
While we did see many trinkets and tractors(yes you read that right) we saw not the first balloon in flight(saw it on the ground) off we went to STARBUCKS and home.... nothing like a coffee fix to end the day.........We still had a great time even though we saw NOT ONE BALLOON in flight...............

Take a peek at our little pictures..... Thanks for stopping by..................

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