Sunday, August 15, 2010

As you Wish It to Be

       Revenge is a kind of wild justice.........Francis Bacon

This post is at best random - to say the least and at the heart of an issue that has been on my mind for some time now-- I will not go in detail about the issue however I need to get somethings expressed for I think I have now come to terms with them and can more clearly see how I feel since I have gotten past the anger.....

Friendship means understanding not agreement.  It means forgiveness, not forgetting.  It means the memories last, even if the contact is lost.... When friendship and/or relationships do not last forever, it doesn't mean it wasn't worth your while......

I think and believe that everything happens for a reason and while I do not always like the outcome of certain things -- I cling to the most certain faith that there is a stronger purpose for what has happened.... A friendship lost can be a most painful thing however it can be one of the most positive things too... If you take a moment to stop and be still --- just pay attention to what God is trying to tell you, often times what you will find is the greatest gift of all..... He was opening a new door... He was showing you a new way.... We get so bogged down in our friendships sometimes that we miss what is going on in our lives --- especially spiritually and God has to find a way to get our attention.... especially if that friendship is TOXIC....  I went  through something recently that I did not understand ... I was angry .. I was hurt .... and I wanted revenge.... yet as I got up this morning to a somewhat dreary rain soaked Sunday morning --- I had a different attitude about the situation.. . While I do not wish to go back in time to this friendship (it was very toxic) I do see that at one point it was of great value and does hold some good memories...... However in the blink of an eye --- something happened --to me it felt so tragic... God stepped in --- healed my heart --- and I know that there is something better for me --- I know there is a purpose for what happened and I know God will take care of it.... 

I am moving on... while I will never forget our childhood and the memories we shared.... going back isn't an option --- I feel finally I have said goodbye to that part of my past ---

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