Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Love and Friend: Find your Bliss

I was going to start this blog and put it in general terms and thought better of it, for labeling all women in general the same or as wanting the same would not be true... So I decided to write from my heart, represent me and only me, from somewhere deep within and let the cookie crumble where it may.... so to speak.....
For me, this is about love and friendship -- the trusting that it takes to build said friendship... the true letting your heart feel free to open up completely...To experience it (trust / love) from a child like understanding again... I think once we cross over into adulthood we have seen so much hurt and disappointment sometimes that trust doesn't come so easy anymore... Although we long for it... We long for that soft place to fall and feel safe and at ease if for just a moment... I think most of us perhaps all want the same thing which is to love and be loved...We just all go about it in many different ways..
    I, for one, would love for a man to lead me down the beach blind folded just so I could feel the sand (really feel it) beneath my feet... Smell the salt water air tickle my nose as the tide rolls in as the sun starts to fade... Wake up to smell of coffee... that I did not have to make..Are these unreasonable things for me ( as a woman) to long for.... I can't see how they would be, when I so readily would give them back in return...


As day to day life runs us around in circles ... I think perhaps we get so caught up in the ebb and flow of making a living and paying the bills that we forget what living is all about ... what truly enjoying life and your partner is suppose to be about ...Life is Life --- no way around it --- however that doesn't mean you have to stop living and enjoying the very nature of why you began a relationship to start with.. So many relationships fall to the wayside because we become so wrapped up in what we need to do -- what bill needs to get paid -- what kid has what ball game and we forget that we have a living breathing partner who loves and adores us or did at one time... we get lost in what we think life is suppose to be about instead of what life is about each other -- Don't get me wrong bill have to be paid and all that other stuff but if you loose site of the beginning, how it all started -- then in the end -- you have lost everything any way --- 
So take the time to walk on the beach, surprise your lover, take the time to smile over a meal--- take the time to say a prayer together... just take the time in general..... after all -- a little time is all it ever really takes to hold onto the most precious of everything --- Find your bliss --- and breathe it in.....

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